Q & A
Q: How do I apply for free or reduced meal assistance?
A: Parents must create a free and easy online account at www.schoolcafe.com to apply. Paper applications are no longer accepted.
Q: Since Trinity North and Trinity West qualified for free meals, why doesn't the rest of the district receive this benefit?
A: The Community Eligibility Program provides free meals to school buildings who have a high rate of students who receive #1 Food Stamps and #2 Medical Assistance. That is the only crieteria to become eligible for schools to receive this funding. Our other buildings simply do not meet the crieteria. Families who qualify can still apply for benefits by applying at www.schoolcafe.com
Q: When is the deadline to apply for free and reduced meal assistance?
A: Parents can apply at any time during the school year especially if there is a change in the home that impacts finances.
Q: If my child has a free or reduced status and decides to pack their lunch from home, is milk still a charge of $.75?
A: Yes a milk by itself is considered an ala carte purchase so the $.75 will be charged to the account. To avoid this charge, have your student go through the lunch line and select two other items (1 item must be a fruit or vegetable serving) and that purchase qualifies as a meal under the Federal Program.
Q: My family receives Food Stamps or SNAP. Will my student receive free meals at school?
A: Yes please enter your case number into your application at www.schoolcafe.com if you haven't already received a letter of Direct Certification from us.
Q: Someone in my home receives Medical Assistance. Will my student receive free meals at school?
A: Not always. Sometimes families do receive free meals from having Medical Assistance. We are provided a weekly update from The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare. If your student is on the list we receive, then you will be notified in writing that your student will receive free meals in school.
Q: My student received free meals last school year. Do I need to apply again?
A: Yes. Families must apply each year. There is a 30 day grace period that families get which provides students with the previous school year status as a carry over. Once that 30 days expires, students return to a paid status if we did not receive another application or file upload from The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare.
Q: I forgot to send lunch money to school with my child. Will they still be provided a lunch?
A: Yes! All students can charge or receive an IOU for a full meal with no change to any offerings. We do not let students charge ala carte items like ice cream, popcorn, or baked chips.