Pennsylvania State Code requires every student to have periodic physical and dental examinations while enrolled at any public, private, parochial, charter or cyber school in Pennsylvania.
Physical Examinations are required:
- Upon original entry into school, grade 6 and grade 11.
- Children transferred from other school systems shall be examined as soon as possible after the transfer regardless of their age or grade if an adequate health record is not made available by the original school.
- 23 PA Code § 23.2(a) and § 23.2(c)
Dental Examinations are required:
- Upon original entry into school, grade 3 and grade 7.
- Children transferred from other school systems shall be examined as soon as possible after the transfer regardless of their age or grade if an adequate health record is not made available by the original school.
- 23 PA Code § 23.3(a) and § 23.3(b)
Trinity Area School District offers free physical and dental screenings for any student who is unable to obtain a private physical or dental examination. These examinations are offered yearly and parents/guardians of any any student who is need of of a physical and/or dental examination will be notified of these screening when dates become available.
For any parent/guardian wishing to have their own physician and dentist perform the examinations the private physical and dental examination forms can be found in the health forms section.