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Pennsylvania Required Immunizations for Attendance

Immunization Requirements for Attendance

In order to protect children from epidemics of serious and sometimes fatal diseases, the following immunizations are required, in accordance 28 Pa. Code, Chapter 23, Subchapter C , for attendance at any school in Pennsylvania. Any student not complying with the regulations may be excluded from school until such provisions are met. The Trinity Area School District Policy regarding immunizations can be found in the Trinity Board Policies section.

All Grades (K - 12)

  • 4 doses of Diphtheria, Tetanus and Acellular Pertussis (4th dose must be given on or after child's 4th birthday)*
  • 4 doses of polio vaccine (4th dose must be given on or after child's 4th birthday and 6th months after previous dose)
  • 3 doses of Hepatitis B
  • 2 doses Measles, Mumps and Rubella (the first dose must be given on or after the child's first birthday)**
  • 2 doses of Varicella (chicken pox) or written statement from physician/designee indicating month and year of disease or serologic proof of immunity (the first dose must be given on or after the child's first birthday).

Grades 7 - 12

  • 1 dose of tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap)
    • Required for entry into 7th grade
  • 2 dose of meningococcal congugate vaccine (MCV)
    • Required for entry into 7th grade
    • A second dose is required for entry into 12th grade unless the first dose was administered on or after child's 16th birthday

*  Usually given as DTaP, DTP, DT, or TD

** Usually given as MMR

Immunization Spacing Requirements

Pennsylvania School Code §23.83, b (1) - (7) states, in addition to having the correct number of doses for each required immunization, that all the required immunizations must be properly spaced in accordance with recommendations developed by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

The recommended spacing for the required immunizations are calculated from birth and are as follows:

DTaP (PA requirement - 4 doses)

  • Recommended dosage spacing: 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 15 - 18 months, 4 - 6 years
  • First dose must be given at 6 weeks or later
  • 4th dose must be given on/after 4th birthday

Polio (PA requirement - 4 doses)

  • Recommended dosage spacing: 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 18 months, 4 - 6 years
  • First dose must be given at 6 weeks or later
  • 4th dose must be given on/after 4th birthday and at least 6th months after previous dose was administered

Hepatitis B (PA Requirement - 3 doses)

  • Recommended Dosage Spacing:  Birth, 1-2 months, 6 months
  • Minimum spacing between 1st - 2nd doses: 4 weeks
  • Minimum spacing between 1st - 3rd doses:  16 weeks
  • Minimum spacing between  2nd - 3rd doses: 8 weeks
  • Minimum spacing for 3rd dose and birth date: 24 weeks

MMR (PA Requirement - 2 doses)

  • Recommended Dosage Spacing:  12 - 15 months, 4 - 6 years
  • First dose must be given on/after 1st birthday
  • If under the age of 4; second dose may be administered 4 weeks after the 1st dose

Varicella (PA Requirement - 2 doses)

  • Recommended Dosage Spacing:  12 - 15 months, 4 - 6 years
  • First dose must be given on/after 1st birthday
  • If under the age of 4; second dose may be administered 12 weeks after the 1st dose

MCV, Meningococcal Congugate, (PA Requirement - 2 doses)

  • Recommended Dosage Spacing:  11 - 12 years, 16 -17 years

Tdap (PA Requirement - 1 dose)

  • Recommended Dosage Spacing:  11 - 12 years

**Live attenuated MMR and Varicella vaccinations, if given separately, must be given at least 28 days apart**


A record of immunization is maintained for each student. If your child receives additional immunizations please send the information to the school nurse so your child's record can be kept up to date.

If you unable to obtain the required immunizations for your child you can contact the Washington County State Health Center at 724-223-4540.

**Those wishing for exemptions for medical, moral or religious reasons should show proper documentation**