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Protected Handicapped Students (504s)

Requesting a Service Agreement Evaluation

The Trinity Area School District (TASD) provides each Protected Handicapped Student enrolled in the district, without cost to the student or family, those related aids, services or accommodations which are needed to afford the student equal opportunity to participate in and obtain the benefits of the school program and extracurricular activities. These supports will be provided to the student without discrimination and to the maximum extent appropriate to the student’s abilities in accordance to all state and federal regulations.

If a parent or guardian believes that their child has a physical, mental or health impairment, which substantially limits or prohibits participation in or access to an aspect of the student’s school program, they may request an evaluation to be conducted by the school district for their child to determine if they meet the criteria as a Protected Handicapped Student. The request should be made in writing to the building principal, which includes the following:

  • Any available relevant medical records for the child.
  • Whenever possible the parent or guardians’ request for the provision of services shall state the following:
    1.  The specific reasons the parent or guardian believes the student is a protected handicapped student.
    2. The specific related aids, services or accommodations the parent or guardian believes the student needs.

Within 25 school days of receipt of the parent or guardians’ written request and written consent for the provision of services the school district shall evaluate the information submitted by the parents and send a written response to the parent or guardians’ request. If upon evaluation of the information submitted by the parents, the school district determines that it needs additional information before it can make a specific recommendation concerning the parent or guardians’ request, the district shall ask the parent or guardian to provide additional medical records and grant the district permission to evaluate the student.

If the student meets criteria as a Protected Handicapped Student the parent/guardian and the school district will enter into a service agreement that will outline the related aids, services or accommodations that should be provided to the student. The service agreement shall be written and executed by a representative of the school district and one or both parents. The agreement shall also specify the date the services shall begin, the date the services shall be discontinued, and, when appropriate, the procedures to be followed in the event of a medical emergency.