If you currently have a Skyward Family Access Account you can access the online application from your account. If you do not have a Skyward account, click on the hyperlink below and complete the form. You will be emailed login credentials and a link to the Online Enrollment Application.
Online Enrollment Login Credential Request Form
We will be holding In-Person Registration events from 10am-1pm and 5pm-7pm at each of the elementary schools where you will be able to complete registrations, provide required documents, and schedule your student’s Dial 4 testing time. For your convenience, please schedule your registration time on our Sign Up Genius. Kindergarten Registration Sign-Up
- Monday, March 3: Trinity East, 252 Cameron Road
- Tuesday, March 4: Trinity West, 1041 Gabby Avenue
- Wednesday, March 5: Trinity South, 2500 S. Main Street
- Thursday, March 6: Trinity North, 225 Midland Drive
Any child who is five years old before September 1st may attend Kindergarten. Kindergarten is a full day program. The following documents are required for enrollment:
- Birth Certificate
- Proof of residency - current utility bill, rent or lease agreement with parent's name and address
- Proof of immunizations or medical/religious exemption form
- Custody agreement, if applicable
Kindergarten Screening
Prior to entering Kindergarten, each child will undergo a screening called the DIAL4. This screening helps teachers become familiar with your child and understand the different ability levels that they need to accommodate in your child’s class. Dial 4 Screening occurs in May.
Kindergarten Parent Orientation
A Parent Orientation evening will be held on a date in August on a date to be determined to provide parents with an opportunity to meet the staff and learn about the Kindergarten program. Your student does not need to attend.
Kinder Camp
Kinder camp is a two-day event held at the end of August. This program provides your child with the opportunity to spend time with their teacher and also their classmates. They will get to know the classroom, learn the rules of the school, visit the cafeteria, and play on the playground, and even have the chance to take a bus ride!
Kindergarten Physical and Dental Forms
Pennsylvania state law requires that any child registering for Kindergarten or 1st grade must have these forms completed by their physician and dentist. You can either return or fax the completed form to the appropriate school nurse. If you do not have access to a physician and/or dentist your school nurse will notify you of the date when these professionals will be at the school to complete a screening to meet the state requirements. Completed forms should be submitted prior to the first day of school.
Registration - Grades 1-12
At Trinity, we understand the importance of making the right choice for your child’s educational needs. It is our shared responsibility to ensure that your child’s first school experience will be a time remembered with joy and a sense of accomplishment. Our teachers, staff, and administrators are dedicated to providing enriched, varied, exciting and positive learning experiences for all students. These experiences will be foundational building blocks for future personal and academic learning and success.
Any child who is five years old before September 1st may attend Kindergarten. A child is eligible for admission to first grade if she/he is at least six (6) years old before September 1st.
The following documents are required for enrollment in public schools in Pennsylvania:
- Birth certificate
- Proof of residency
- Proof of immunizations or medical/religious exemption form
*Please do not include copies of your student's Social Security card. We do not retain any Social Security numbers or documentation.
Acceptable alternatives to a child's birth certificate include notarized copy of birth certificate, baptismal certificate, copy of the record of baptism – notarized or duly certified and showing the date of birth, notarized statement from the parents or another relative indicating the date of birth, a valid passport, or a prior school record indicating the date of birth
Acceptable proof of residency includes: a deed, a lease, current utility bill, current credit card bill, property tax bill, vehicle registration, driver’s license, DOT identification card.
If applicable, a custody order should be provided at the time of registration.
Enrollment process
If you currently have a Skyward Family Access Account you can access the online application from your account. You will not need to create a new account. If you do not have a Skyward account, click on the hyperlink below and complete the form. You will be emailed login credentials and a link to the Online Enrollment Application.
If necessary, paper applications are available at any of our schools. You may drop off a completed paper enrollment form at any of the Trinity Area School District buildings.
Online Enrollment Login Credential Request Form
Change of Address
If at any time you move within the Trinity Area School District, you must submit a completed Change of Address form and proof of your new residence. Acceptable proof of residency includes: a deed, a lease, current utility bill, current credit card bill, property tax bill, vehicle registration, driver’s license, DOT identification card. Please click on the hyperlink below to download the Change of Address form. This form can also be used to update Emergency Contacts for your student.
Contact Information
Danyiel O'Brien
Enrollment Registrar / PIMS Coordinator
724-223-2000 x6510
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