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Facility Request

The Trinity Area School District encourages community use of school facilities when such use is in the public interest, does not conflict with school activities, and is not detrimental to the purpose of schools. Residents, staff members, and community groups can make facility use requests by following the steps below:


MLSchedules Registration Link

All facility use requests are completed online. The first step needed to make an online facility use request is to create an ML Schedules user account. You can do so by by clicking the icon above. Be sure to complete all information fields and then click the submit button. If your registration was successful you will receive an e-mail confirmation. The links below will provide additional information if needed:

Community User Quick Start Guide (pdf)
Creating a User Account and Associated Group (video)


MlSchedules Login

Once your account is created you can start making facilty reservations using ML Schedules. Click the icon above to reach the Log In screen. The links below will provide additional information if needed:

Community User Quick Start Guide (pdf)
Making a Request Using ML Schedules (video)

TASD District Facilities Calendar


Department Staff

Mr. Aaron Scott

Director of Facilities
ext. 6508

Mr. Shane Firestone

Assistant Director of Facilities
ext. 6528

Mrs. Christy Kirkwood

ext. 6506

Fax: 724-228-2171